Building Blocks Preschool and Kindergarten


Educational Philosophy

We believe preschool should be an exciting and educational experience for children. Because preschool is usually a student’s first exposure to peer group interaction and the basic fundamentals of education, it is our intent to provide an environment that enriches these first experiences and instills in the child an enthusiasm for school now and the years ahead.

General Goals

Building Blocks aims to accomplish the following goals

These goals will be accomplished through a creative but semi-structured program. To accomplish these goals, we offer a comprehensive curriculum that covers Preschool—three and four year olds — and Transitional-K and Kindergarten — five and six year olds.

The Child Has Several Tasks to Master

Is My Child Ready?

Children cannot be forced to succeed at any of the following tasks too rapidly. Certainly we expect our children to gradually develop independence. If the youngster cannot attend to most of these tasks, she/he may be very unhappy at school and probably will not get along with his/her classmates. When children begin to master these tasks, they are ready for preschool:





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